Leading You to Better health Management

Angel Eyes is a Hospital Management software. It caters to almost every need of the hospital to keep various records of hospital in the computer. Various modules covering different departments constitute the complete software. It is meant for Multi specialty hospitals as well as for a small nursing home.

Angel Eyes Hospital Management System is powerful, flexible, easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals.

Fully networked based system and managed by the latest technology tools. Angel Eyes Software will be easy to use and fully graphical interface will be provided to the end user. Angel Eyes will make will make your hospital ‘WPP’ that means without paper & pen.


HMS Modules & Features

The sound database of the Angel Eyes application makes it more user friendly and expandable. The package is highly customizable and can be modified as per the needs and requirements of our clients. Prolonged study of the functionalities of the hospital and its specific requirement has given it a wonderful shape both technically and usability wise.

  • OPD
  • IPD
  • Laboratory
  • TPA
  • Stock Management
  • Statistical Reports
  • NABH
  • User Rights Management
  • SMS
  • Lab Reports Online
  • Video Consent
  • Runtime Laboratory
  • Pharmacy
  • Busy Sync
  • ICD Code Diagnosis
  • Dashboard
  • Stationary
  • Conc. Sharing
  • Multi User Environment
  • Time Attendance